
A complete custom open-sourced system


For more details on each component check out their page on the portfolio.


Uni-Arch is the core of Unified-Systems. It's a custom built cpu architecture, currently designed to run on a emulator or a capable FPGA board.


For all systems to work you need a filesystem. With larger files becoming more common a common FS like FAT wastes a lot of space on a cluster table. Uni-FS aims to compact that down by compacting cluster entries all the way to recording 32MiB of data, while still having access to allocate single 512 byte sectors.


Of course portaing a compiler like llvm or gnu will take a lot of work. Instead we aimed to build our own language that follows similar syntax whilst exporting Uni-Arch compatible assembly. This makes development of the OS, applications and more much simpler.


Now to make this system usable we need a OS, we originaly made Unified-OS x86_64 compatible. That gave the nessarsary concepts of how to implement our architecture and what is required to make it usable. Now we aim to move Unified-OS to be writtin in Uni-Arch assembly and Uni-C.